
Earth day

The theme of this year’s Earth Day is “invest in our planet”, calling on everyone to look into their long-term interests and immediately join the cause of environmental protection. Because it has been proven that the more actively participating in environmental protection, the stronger the profitability, the higher the employee happiness index, the more stable the financial situation, and the better the performance in the investment market. 1

The official website of Earth Day gives 52 action tips to help everyone, including companies and individuals, establish correct environmental protection concepts and behaviors.


Among them, 7 suggestions are directly related to plastic reduction, calling on enterprises and individuals to pay attention to plastic pollution, eliminate waste in plastic use, and try to stay away from fossil-based materials such as plastic when faced with choices.

How much change can paper make as an alternative to plastic in the 21st century?

In order to answer this question, a research institution conducted a study on Europe, a region where plastics are widely used: Comparison of the environmental impact of different material packaging

The subjects of the study were 1L fresh milk packaging common in European households – plastic milk cartons and paper milk cartons.

LCA life cycle assessment is a scientific-based assessment method for the environmental impact assessment of the entire life cycle of a specific product from raw material procurement, processing, manufacturing, sales, use and disposal or recycling – a scientific LCA life cycle assessment Often means a huge amount of work.

In order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of this issue, these three types of plastic milk cartons, along with paper milk cartons, were included in the study

In the end, it is concluded that the carton is a complete victory in reducing the environmental impact

Therefore, when choosing the packaging, allwinpaper sincerely recommends that you use paper packaging,which is saving our planet.

If you want to know more paper, please contact us.

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